
Shoes & socks
The right outdoor shoe is of great importance when hiking, trekking, climbing, camping or running. In many situations, the right shoe determines your safety, your well-being and your ability to manage a seemingly impossible ascent. First and foremost, outdoor shoes should be cosy, comfortable and safe. In addition, a hiking shoe, trekking shoe, climbing shoe, running shoe or the right shoe for another activity should look sporty.
The relationship between the shoe and the surrounding temperature should also be right. Shoes for summer should be breathable and have a correspondingly refreshing feel. Shoes for winter, on the other hand, should keep you warm and cosy even in the deepest snow. In our shop you will find a large selection of women's shoes, men's shoes and shoes for children, all of which fulfil their purpose in the respective outdoor area.
You can find the following types of outdoor shoes for men, women and children online in our shop:
- Hiking shoesshoes from this category are the perfect companions for hiking. Hiking shoes should be cosy and at the same time make your hiking experience & outdoor adventure carefree thanks to their robust construction.
- Trekking shoesjust like hiking boots, trekking shoes offer good comfort and impressive functionality.
- Mountain boots: A mountain tour can be extreme. Appropriate footwear is needed to master such an extreme task. Thanks to their stability and waterproofness, mountaineering boots are ideal for these extreme conditions.
- Approach shoesprovide a strong grip and secure footing. Suitable for difficult and steep terrain.
- Multifunctional shoesthese shoes are not so much designed for a specific activity, but are ideal for several outdoor activities.
- Trail running shoes: Shoes for long distances away from tarmac roads and running in alpine terrain.
- Casual shoeswhether for a short trip into town or a cosy get-together with friends. Shoes from this category are ideal for any leisure activity.
- Sandalssandals are a perfect alternative to trainers on warm days. The shoes are light, comfortable, well ventilated and guarantee the well-being of your feet on hot days.
- Climbing shoesclimbing shoes are the most important part of climbing and should not be missing from any climbing equipment. Their soles are designed for climbing and offer optimum grip even on the smallest edges and footholds.
- Winter shoeswinter shoes are, as the name suggests, designed for winter. The shoes are designed to keep your feet warm and cosy even on the coldest days.
- Cabin shoes: Just like lined boots for winter, hut shoes keep your feet feeling warm and cosy indoors.
- Barefoot shoes: Light as a feather and comfortable. Lightweight shoes with a barefoot feel.
- Socks: Our range also includes socks. After all, the right socks are essential for perfect comfort in your outdoor shoes.
- Shoe accessoriesour shop offers everything from shoelaces and shoe wax to care spray and waterproofing spray to enhance the look and function of your outdoor shoes.
To find the right hiking boots, trekking shoes, climbing shoes, running shoes or shoes for other outdoor activities, you should think about the function, feel, safety, material and appearance of the outdoor shoe.
Take advantage of Kebasa extensive range of outdoor footwear. We will be happy to help you find the right outdoor shoe for you.
- Outdoor shoes & socks
- The right outdoor shoe for every season
- Shoes for every area of use
- Buy shoes at Kebasa
Outdoor shoes & socks
The right outdoor shoe is of great importance when hiking, trekking, climbing, camping or running. In many situations, the right shoe determines your safety, your well-being and your ability to manage a seemingly impossible ascent. First and foremost, outdoor shoes should be cosy, comfortable and safe. In addition, a hiking shoe, trekking shoe, climbing shoe, running shoe or the right shoe for any other activity should look sporty.
The right outdoor shoe for every season
Which shoe you need depends not least on the season in which you want to wear it. Your footwear should always be adapted to the weather conditions
If you're out and about in winter, you're sure to find suitable footwear in our winter shoes section. For summer, we also have sandals for women, men and children.
Outdoor shoes for every area of use
Every outdoor sport places different demands on footwear. To ensure you are well equipped for your outdoor activity, you should buy suitable, comfortable and practical shoes in advance.
Hiking, trekking and mountaineering shoes
Are you looking for shoes for a (multi-day) hike? A good shoe is incredibly important, especially for long hiking tours. They give your feet support and stability, cushion and protect your joints and offer protection from wind and weather. In addition, hiking boots usually have a non-slip sole to provide better grip.
If you want to buy a hiking boot, it all depends on the area of use and your planned hike. Light hiking boots or multifunctional shoes may be sufficient for shorter hikes in summer. Trekking shoes that are specially tailored to the needs of multi-day hikes are suitable for trekking. For longer tours in the mountains, proper mountain boots can be useful.
Climbing and approach shoes
To ensure you always have the best grip, you should buy special climbing shoes for climbing. Climbing shoes sit very close to the foot, so you can position your feet as precisely as possible.
Approachshoes are a mixture of hiking shoes and climbing shoes. You can use them to make your way to the climbing spot. They offer optimum support and stability for smaller climbing passages and steep routes.
Trail running shoes
Running away from tarmac and paved roads: If you enjoy the outdoor sport of trail running, then you should buy suitable trail running shoes. These running shoes are specially designed for the terrain. For example, they have a more durable sole with rubber that offers more grip than conventional running shoes. In addition, trail running shoes are often better cushioned and optimally absorb shocks when running.
As you often run through small mountain streams when trail running, trail running shoes are either waterproof or breathable enough to dry quickly.
Run as naturally as possible with barefoot shoes
Many nerve endings run through the soles of our feet and are stimulated by contact with the ground. Walking barefoot is considered very healthy. However, as we can't usually do without sturdy shoes in everyday life, barefoot shoes are a good option. Barefoot shoes also protect the foot from injury. Barefoot shoes have very thin soles and are sewn wide at the toes. This means that the freedom of movement of the toes is not restricted. The soles of the shoes are very flexible and adapt to the ground. Barefoot shoes can prevent postural deformities and contribute to natural movement.
We offer a large selection of leisure shoes for everyday life outside of hiking, trekking and trail running.
In addition to the right shoes, outdoor sports also require good socks to prevent blisters and pressure sores. Shoe accessories such as spikes, care products or overshoes can also be useful.
Buy outdoor shoes at Kebasa
At Kebasa you will find the right shoes for every area of use. Whether for women, men or children - there are suitable outdoor shoes for everyone.
Would you like to buy outdoor shoes but need a little more advice? No problem - our experts will be happy to help you. You can reach our experienced advice team on our service number 0661 / 480 199 0. Or you can simply use our contact form.
And if a shoe doesn't fit, that's no problem. You can return our products postage-free from 50 EUR & free of charge for up to 30 days.